Saturday, April 16, 2016

STATE OF THE PRIMARY - April 16, 2016

52 Days to California, 3 Days to New York.

Delegate Count 

  • Pledged Delegates: Clinton 1,307, Sanders 1,097 (Clinton +210).
  • Total Delegates: Clinton 1,776, Sanders 1,127 (Clinton +648).
  • 2,382 delegates to secure nomination.
  • 2,026 pledged delegates to secure the majority. 
  • Clinton needs 719 pledged delegates, 43.7% of remaining.
  • Sanders needs 929 pledged delegates, 56.4% of remaining.

Latest Results

  • Wyoming: Sanders 7, Clinton 7 (tie).
  • Versus 3/30 Targets: Sanders 7/11 (-4), Clinton 7/3 (+4).
  • Versus Adjusted Targets: N/A

Next Primary: April 19

  • New York: 247 delegates.
  • 3/30 Targets: Sanders 128, Clinton 119.
  • Adjusted Targets:  Sanders 130, Clinton 117.


I was playing an MMO late last night and chatting to my guild mates, when I looked at the clock and realized it was 12:01 AM.

Me: Oh crap.

Them: What's wrong?

Me: It's my birthday.

Them: Happy birthday! How old are you now? 

Me: Old enough to say "oh crap" when it's my birthday.

Them: :-(

But enough about me: let's look at the Democratic electorate as a whole. Nate Silver (you see his name a lot around here, and for excellent reason) calculated that the Democratic vote for the upcoming general election will be 54% white, 24% black, 15% Hispanic, and 7% Asian or other races. The ten states whose voting demographics most closely match those numbers are, in order, New Jersey, Illinois, Florida, New York, Virginia, Nevada, North Carolina, Maryland, Tennessee, and Arkansas.

Guess what. Of the seven of those ten states that have voted, Hillary won them all. Of the other three, Hillary is favored to win them.  

So yeah. Sanders supporters mean well and all, but Hillary is the true face of the Democratic Party.

How This Works
Unless otherwise indicated, all information is taken from FiveThirtyEight except the superdelegate count, which is taken from Associated Press. Superdelegates have declared their intention to vote for one of the candidates, but may change their mind before the convention. The target numbers indicate how many delegates each candidate would have to earn, or to have, in order to be on track to tie for the nomination. Adjusted targets further indicate how many delegates are needed to make up the deficit, if any, left by previous contests.

Pun Of The Day
When kissing a florist, tulips are better than one!

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